Different types of buildings

Different types of buildings

Different types of buildings

Hello friends, in this blog today I am going to tell you which building is in different types of building and Where is its use and how are you people can use it very easily in this building and there are a lot of interesting things about the building, I am going to tell you today in this blog, please rate the blog completely and you  Enjoy will be fun.
national building code NBC 2005 Usage is organized into more building and its different types.
  1. Residential building
  2. Educational building
  3. Institutional building
  4. Assembly building
  5. Business building
  6. Mercantile building 
  7. Industrial building
  8. Storage building
  9. Hazardous building
  10. Residential building

1.Residential building:-

Dining facilities may or may not be available in buildings where general-purpose services are available are residential buildings are called.

ex. Apartments,flats, bungalows,dormitories,hotels,clubs, motels...etc

2.Educational building:-

The main purpose of building such a building is for the purpose of educational qualifications such as building are made.
ex. school, college university, training center, Sarkari canter ..etc

3.Institutional building:-

The main purpose of such a building is to complete such a health and medicine to help to build made.
Bedding and provided for the user in this seat in this building are made.
ex. hospitals sanatoria, mental, institutions,.

4.Assembly building:-

the main purpose of building In a bat in which social religious patriotism travels are all people can sit together and be united in this building.
ex. theatres assembly halls exhibitions halls, auditoria, museums, restaurants, places of workshi dance hall, clubhouses, passenger stations, etc..

5.Business building:-

the main purpose of building In an All these are used for business and operations, so this building and business building are called. This seat is more durable and records are kept, so the battle of this building is very much used daily and is very useful in employment.
ex. city halls, towns halls, courthouses, libraries, banks, etc..

6.Mercantile building:-

the main purpose of building In Most such shops is used for store market goods and displacement.
Today, retail and wholesale are sold in their buildings are made.

7.Industrial building;-

the main purpose of building In Such building materials or materials are made or processed and discarded building and industrial building. In the new building, we find the laboratory assembly plant, etc. The power plants can also be included in this and pump gas pipe etc. This can be called.
ex. the assembly plant, laboratories, dry cleaning, power plants, refineries, dairies, etc...

8.Storage building:-

the main purpose of building Such people are mainly used as luggage storage and are kept in confinement for longer. Mainly in such a building, goods are used for animal husbandry storage, etc.

9.Hazardous building:-

the main purpose of building In Mainly used in this building to burn or burn products is stored in this building are made.there are products acetylene, hydrogen, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide are gas in there are included in products And this purpose of a building we can even include firecrackers and fast-burning liquid photos in such buildings

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