Best Top 8 Tips for Viva Success in job - Engineer Trip

Best Top 8 Tips for Viva Success in job - Engineer Trip

1. Believe in your self

➤  Don’t lose hope, belief in your self
All is well,
➤ happen with everyone it also will happen to us

➤   And you are smarter than others so definitely better happen with you than other 

2. Before or viva

➤  Before viva day I suggest you to see the video of experts on the internet 

➤  Because you learn and read syllabus book whole year or semester so you read only that question which you know better but not minor important questions

➤  So my personal opinion is to go with internet e-learning 

3.Think about the potential questions

➤  Make a list of high potential questions and prepared a minimum of 2 or 3 questions or Topic perfectly 
➤  Because if examiners randomly said that what you learned don’t said everything
I repeat don’t said everything 

➤  If you learn all syllabus then said chapter name one by one ( perfect learn chapter first ) and slowly so that examiner stop you and ask questions

4. Discussion with Friend

➤  Before viva start the do discussion with your friends so that the revision rate goes high instead of reading textbooks

➤  And everyone makes different important questions list so that you prepare it fast by a key point which make by friends 

5. Talk to people who have passed their viva

Mostly all examiners ask the same repeated questions so as soon as know which type of questions asked by the examiner

➤  Take your eyes on those questions because there is a high rate to ask the same question to you by examiner

6.Your looks

➤  full uniform if any ( optional )

➤  It created a positive view on examiner mind, seat straight and use signs for answering questions by moving your hand

7.Be presentable

➤  During viva be mentally prepared

➤  Listen to questions carefully and then answer

➤  if you do not listen clearly then ask again but not answering of wrong question which not ask actually

➤  If you give right answers to wrong questions it creates a bad image on examiner mind that you don’t know the answer so you give the answer of another question

➤  So be presentable is important point

8.Be positive not overly 

➤  Many times examiner checks your confidence by asking like are you sure that your answer is right?
So you have to be a positive vision with confidence

➤  But I repeat not overconfidence if you show over conditions than you make your examiner angry

➤  And always keep in mind that examiner is a professional of their field and you are learner so they have more knowledge than you

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